Morondava and Avenue des baobabs

After our great adventure in Tsingy de Bemaraha,  we were ready the next morning to continue our trip. Our next destination was a coastal town Morondava. It is a daylong ride on a sandy road to come from Tsingy to Morondava, two ferry rides included. The road passes by dry forests and there is a possibility to see different bird species from the car.  It is a quite empty area so you will pass only through a few villages. Till Morondava there are few interesting baobabs sights to visit. First one we have visited was Sacred baobab (Le baobab sacree), really big and old baobab, sacred to the local population. Around the trunk of the baobab, lots of rum bottles and money were left for the souls of the ancestors. Next baobabs to visit were Les baobabs amoreux, aka baobabs in love, or simpler two baobabs that are intervened.

Of course, the unmissable stop was on the famous Avenue des Baobabs which is one of the most famous sights in Madagascar. It is really nice to see all these really big baobabs in the alley ( more precisely a dirt road) but what I didn’t like was trash and kids that were taking chameleons from the wild and offer them to tourists to take pictures with them. I read that recently they cleaned the area from the trash, so I hope it will stay this way.

After a visit to the famous baobabs, we continued to our final stop for that day, Morondava. When we came close to Morondava, we left the sandy road and touched the asphalt road for the first time in a few days!

Morondava is a nice coastal laid-back town, without any big attraction, but a nice stop to rest after adventuring in Tsingy.  There are few good restaurants and hotels, which are mostly situated on the Independence road, a part of the town that is situated on the small peninsula.

The famous restaurant with the correct prices and live music is Chez Alan ( now under the new name ) and for a drink and dance don’t miss famous bar  Chez Jean la Rasta !

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